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SendySync 2.3.3

Release date
Last update
Initial support
12 months
Renewal price

Feature summary

  • Sync Sendy user list to XF User
  • Automatic handling of bounce and complaints
  • Uses Sendy as the "Source of Truth" to keep the XF <-> Sendy list in sync

Product details

This is an add-on for XenForo 2.x. This allows you to sync your Sendy.co Database of users to your XF 2.x Installation.

This add-on uses the Sendy database as the “source of truth”. Therefore, when the scheduled cron job runs, it will update user data in XF2 to match what’s in the Sendy database.

Current Features:
  • The user has the ability to opt-in/out from the registration page.
  • The user has the ability to toggle the subscription status via the “Preferences” in the UserCP
  • The administrator can toggle a users status via the AdminCP while editing the user’s profile.
  • When a email is bounced in Sendy, this will set the user state to “bounced (invalid)” in XF2. (if the option is selected in the XF Options settings)
  • GUI based log entries to validate the data sent/received from the Sendy API (cron job runs weekly to remove entries)
Known Issues:


Future Needs:
  • When the user is in a “bounced” state, make the Sendy toggle checkbox read-only until the users email is Valid.
  • Stop the Cron Job from running if the options aren’t configured successfully.
Note: This product doesn't automatically generate newsletters or provide help around that. This only keeps the user database for both Sendy and XF in sync and matching.


View the official addon install guide here:

Typically Sendy.co (the application) is installed on your own server, therefore you’ll need a few things from your installation to make this work. These must be set in the AdminCP for this add-on to function.

The options for this add-on should be at the following URL:


..or simply go to options and scroll until you see BoostN | SendySync

  1. Install URL
    1. Example: https://www.example.com/sendy
    2. Note: Do NOT include the trailing (slash) “/”
  2. API Key – Found in the “settings’ Menu on your Sendy installation.
  3. List ID – This will be the “list” of users to send to/manage from within Sendy.
To view the Log Entries, navigate to the Logs section, then SendySync Logs

Once the values are set, navigate to the Tools->Cron Entries and find the “BoostN SendySync” entry. Choose to “Run Now”.

This will call out via the API to your Sendy.co Database and update the information on your XF2 users’ profile. If you have a large list, this could take hours.

This cron entry runs nightly at 9PM (server time zone) and resyncs Sendy <-> using Sendy as the "source of truth".
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