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Recent content by BoostN

  1. B

    Slack Notify Any updates in the pipeline for Slack Notify?

    FYI, the app is public here https://gitlab.com/BoostN/xf2-slack-notify if anyone would like to contribute.
  2. B

    Slack Notify Any updates in the pipeline for Slack Notify?

    Good idea about the node specific settings. I had that idea as well but ran out of time and just stuck to 1 to get the feature out. I'll see what it will take to add that feature set. For 2.3, I'm using the add-on on two forums on 2.3, no issues so far.
  3. B

    Slack Notify Any updates in the pipeline for Slack Notify?

    What ideas do you have to add? Not opposed to making it open source as well. Thanks!
  4. B

    SendySync 2.3.3 released

    This is only tested with XF 2.3.0. Please proceed with lower versions at your own risk! Updated templates to update your subscription status for XF 2.3 Fixed bug for NULL exception on job run Updated templates to update your subscription status for XF 2.3 Fixed bug for NULL exception on job run
  5. B

    SendySync 2.3.1 released

    Enable more API endpoints to cover both 'bounce' and 'bounced' New Feature: You can now test call the API by email address and get the API response for debugging. Tools -> Get Sendy Status
  6. B

    SendySync 2.2.0 released

    Hey @Casa Ivar . It's not a SSL on my end. Since the XF forum communicates with your Sendy Server, it's likely a cert on the Sendy Server endpoint. You might try removing the "s" from the endpoint URL for testing, but double check the cert on your sendy server is active.
  7. B

    SendySync 2.2.0 released

    So sorry, just now seeing this. Are you still having this issue?
  8. B

    SendySync 2.2.0 released

    Template fix for the latest version of XF to show the subscribe option on the registration page along with the user preference page.
  9. B

    SendySync 2.18 released

    Bug Fixes Fixed major bug that stopped new subscribers from being added to the list
  10. B

    SendySync 2.16 released

    Added the ability to unsubscribe banned users on each sync. A new option has been added in the option list. NOTE: the user will have to resubscribe if they wish to be added back. Ability to unsubscribe banned users on sync.
  11. B

    Slack Notify 2.1.1 released

    Added the ability to be notified for new moderated threads and/or posts. Ability to be notified when a new thread/post is created that is pending moderator approval
  12. B

    SendySync 2.1.5 released

    New connection timeout option added. New connection timeout option added to the API Request in the AdminCP
  13. B

    SendySync 2.1.2 released

    Features added. See change log Option to not automatically add users to the Sendy list on new installations or fresh Sendy installations. Off by default! The system now checks for a previous record in Sendy before adding the user again.